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Name: Corine White From: Medinah Court #15. Oasis St. E-mail: |
Sending greetings and prayers from my family to yours with special Blessings to the Imperial Commandress and each Divan member. Keep the Faith and continue to pray. Prayer is the key that starts the day and end the night. Looking forward to fellowship with everyone soon. Imperial Directress Evaluations
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Name: HPC Martha L. Beasley From: Mecca Ct.#2 Washington, DC E-mail: |
It was good to see the officers of the Imperial Court. Wishing all of you the best during your administration
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Name: Dt. Ebony Thompson Sheppard From: New York E-mail: |
I would like to know when the terms are up for the Imp. Internal Auditor position?
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Name: Dt. Jacqueline Y. Akers, PC From: Arabia Cout #23 Portsmouth, VA E-mail: |
Greetings from Virginia Daughters, wishing you a very bless day!
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Name: Eurecka Christopher From: Parkland Fl E-mail: |
Glad to finally be here. Thanks
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Name: Peggy McCree From: Missouri E-mail: |
I bring you greetings from the great state of Missouri. I am so looking forward to attending our Imperial Commandress Testimonial next Month. She is and has always been such a wonderful person. Always very gracious to everyone, no matter who you were. Dt. Peggy Redus McCree
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Name: Dt Myrtis L Todd, HPIC From: Phoenix, Arizona E-mail: |
From the Grand State of Arizona, inquiring about Daughters visiting or have moved to our Desert. Please give me a call and welcome. I am the Deputy for the Desert and would love to have lunch and talk with you. A'ho
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Name: Beverly E. Mumford From: Lawrence, kansas E-mail: |
It's a great sight. Could not log on as new member.
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Name: Dt. Dorothy Brunson From: Aleppo Court #140. Syracuse NY E-mail: |
Praying that all Daughters/Courts have a prosperous year.
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Name: Dt. Joyce Taylor, PC From: AL Azhar Court #181 Hsv., AL E-mail: |
Good morning from the Desert of Alabama, Oasis Huntsville. Looking forward to all that 2020 has to offer. I am so excited and looking forward to attending the upcoming Testimonial Celebration for our Imperial Commandress Jacqualine Brown Arrodondo!
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