Dt. Joan D. Campbell, of Owings Mills, MD, was
elected in August 2017 as a member of the Board of Directors for the Imperial
Court Daughters, Auxiliary to the A.E.A.O.N.M.S of North and South America and
Its Jurisdictions, Inc. She was elected Imperial 1st Lt. Commandress, in August
of 2023.
Fraternal Organizations
- Tuwa Court No 210 - Charter Member, Oasis of
Annapolis, Desert of MD
- Myra Grand Chapter, Order
of the Eastern Star, MD - Past Grand Worthy Matron
- Rahab Grand Court,
Heroines of Jericho, PHA - Past Most Ancient Grand Matron
- Naomi Grand Court, Ladies
of the Circle of Perfection - Past Royal Grand Perfect Matron (Currently
Jurisdictional Deputy for MD)
- Most Royal Grand Court of
Cyrene, PHA Past Most Royal Grand Commandress; Past Royal Grand Treasurer;
Past Royal Grand Financial Secretary
- Norma L. Barkley State
Grand Assembly - Past State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler
- Bertha M. Bragg No. 6 -
PYCH Priorate - Prelate
Educational Experience
- Attended Morgan State
- Attended Catonsville
Community College
- Social Security
Administration Upper Management Development Programs (in-house-Budget
Analyst, Employee Development Specialist, Division Manager)
- Project Officer
- Extensive Mediation
- Charter Member & President
- The SSA Baltivox Toastmistress Club
- Retired as a Senior
Program and Management Officer, working for the Commissioner of the Social
Security Administration