Imperial Court - Guestbook

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We have 625 entries displayed on 63 pages.
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Name: Brother Brynell Jamal Wallace-
Hailing Brother from Philadelphia, Pa
Added: July 31, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jacqueline P. McCoy
From: Nabbar Court #123 Atlanta Ga
I’m proud to be a member of this great organization of finer Women.
Added: July 30, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Dt.Tonya Barham
From: Arabic Court No.95 NH Ct
Thank You Imperial Cammandress for the detailed address⭐️
Added: July 30, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Charlene Jefferson Brown
From: Saint Louis
I was just trying to make sure my address was updated on here. I had trouble logging in
Added: July 28, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Linda Shabazz-Muhammad
From: Erie, Pa
Correct format for a funeral resolution
Added: July 24, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: PC Dt Tanya Harper
From: Jacksonville Florida
Greetings from the Oasis of Jacksonville, Desert of Florida Phenomenal webpage.
Added: July 14, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: PC Dt. Tanya Harper
From: Jacksonville Florida
Greetings from the Oasis of Jacksonville,Desert of Florida.
Added: July 14, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Dtr. Shirley Moore
From: Chicago, Illinois
Greetings to the Imperial Court from MW John A Bell Grand Lodge and OES Chapter, so honored to meet you.
Added: July 2, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Valerie Madison
From: Oakland, California
I bring you greetings from the great state of California.
I am so looking forward to fellowshipping my our amazing daughters real soon and giving our newly appointed Imperial Commandress Jackie Arradondo the biggest hug ever for all her inspirational words during the passing of my brother. She is and has always been such a gracious person. *A storm is about to distill this house the kind that takes down trees but it’s just a storm it will pass*
Dt. Valerie Madison, Imperial Security
Added: May 30, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Corine White
From: Medinah Court #15. Oasis St.
Sending greetings and prayers from my family to yours with special Blessings to the Imperial Commandress and each Divan member.
Keep the Faith and continue to pray. Prayer is the key that starts the day and end the night.

Looking forward to fellowship with everyone soon.

Imperial Directress Evaluations
Added: April 18, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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